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About Us- Project Hawai'i Summer Camp

Our summer camp is run by dedicated volunteers who come together to change the lives of homeless children. Our camp is unique and unmatched from any other program available on our islands. We have spent years developing programs for the special needs of our children and can tailor the programs to fit individual needs of each camper.

We know that the cause of homelessness starts from generational lack of social and life skills. Children are born into homelessness and without intervention, they will continue this cycle at no fault of their own.

Our program teach children HOW to learn, how to socially interact and how to be leaders of themself. They gain self-esteem and the knowledge to succeed. 

Our dedicated staff have more than just academic knowledge, they have personal experiences and decades of figuring out what is needed, not just cookie cutter philosophy. Our goal is to create future leaders, productive community citizens, small business owners and happy healthy lifestyles. Our team continues their own personal development and attends annual leadership training programs on the mainland. All our interns are also required to attend a basic self development program on island.

Meet our Award-Winning Founders/Directors

Project Hawaii Summer camp


About Our Keiki

Our keiki live in poverty stricken situations and substandard housing spread across the islands. Some live along the waters’ edge in tents or high in the mountains in abandon cars or substandard makeshift shelters. Most live without running water or electricity and often go to bed without having a nutritious daily meal, or even the basics of a warm blanket and pillow.


Island Statistics:

1.  45% of our island keiki are living at least 300% below the poverty

income level determined by the US government guidelines

2. The average age of a homeless person on the islands

is the tender age of 5!

3.  65% of our keiki cannot read at grade level

4.  99% of our keiki rely on FREE SCHOOL meals

as their ONLY daily source of nutrition.


MORE Disturbing Facts our Keiki Face:

I want to share these facts that are published by National Center of Homelessness via the census given through the DOE. While these facts are as accurate as possible, there are lots of unaccounted homeless in America. The SAD FACTS that America needs to face--

  • 1.4 million school-age children (6-18 years) experience homelessness in America each year per 2017. 

  • Nearly 2.5 million children in America were homeless at some point in 2018. What's worse? That is 8% increase from 2016 to 2017, now in 2020?? 

  •  In Hawai'i the average age of a homeless PERSON is 5, so obviously this number is much higher here. As it stands NOW, the tender age of 5 is the AVERAGE age of a homeless person in Hawai'i. Since statistics are not providing for those with families who do not have school aged, children, this number too is high.

  • In Hawai'i the drop out rate is high, even higher among teens with unstable environments. 63% of teens with a disability will drop out, and 90% of teens living homeless will drop out. We change those numbers!!


Project Hawai'i summer camp provides them with hope of a better tomorrow, pride in being prepared for their first day back to school, and social skills to make new friends. We instill healthy habits to allow them the opportunity to grow and escape poverty.

This year we are asking the Mayor on the Big Island to sign our PROCLAMATION to have the week of July 25th-31st known as Hawai’i Youth Educational Preparedness Week.  We NEED HELP...this plea has gone UNANSWERED FOR YEARS!!

More information about us... financials, etc.

Our award winning program is made possible by

our partnerships with community members like YOU! 

Project Hawaii feeding homeless keiki
Project Hawaii educating homeless keiki
Project Hawaii
Project Hawaii Teen Mentoring Summer camp
Project Hawaii
Project Hawai'i Summer Camp feeding homeless keiki

Nutrition Award

2008 & 2009

Project Hawaii Graduation
This is cute video we caught while picking up keiki for camp... showing that this camp is so important to their whole sense of security.
kirie camp

kirie camp

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Project Hawaii
Testimonials for Project Hawai'i Summer Camp

"Without Project Hawai'i Summer Camp, my children would not be doing as well in school, and definetly would not have all the supplies to be prepared. This camp changed our lives and help my children succeed in school"

Allison on Big Island


“This camp has changed my children's lives and help them

be better prepared for school.

We love this camp, and hope

to be a part of it for years to come."

"This camp allowed my teen to see what a difference she can make in the world. She was able to mentor a little one and see the changes over the summer. This is truly life changing for everyone involved

Chrissy-from Hampton Beach

"I am so glad I sent my teen to this camp. She opened up, become more responsible and really came home ready to change the world."

"This is truly a life-changing experience I would encourage anyone to participate in."

Elenor from California (teens mother)

Please feel free to look over other reviews or write your own on our GREAT NON-PROFITS profile. Click the PURPLE button below....“This camp has changed my children's lives and help them

be better prepared for school.

We love this camp, and hope

to be a part of it for years to come."

Shanya-Big Island

Project Hawai'i Summer Camp, Help Homeless Keiki

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Magin Patrick-



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Magin was bound to be just another statistic in the world and took it upon herself to make the changes needed in life to succeed. Her passion is helping youth through their journey to end their cycle of homelessness and poverty.
For decades, Magin has created and implemented programs that fit the needs and filling the gaps to assure the child's success.
Creating this summer camp to allow the public to share their talents and expertise is part of the stepping stones required for a well rounded education. Magin states her Kuleana on earth is to save the homeless children and knows that take the village of knowledge to succeed.
Magin's childhood experiences has allowed her the insight to truly know what it is like to be homeless, to not have daily meals, to be abused and not knowing where she belonged. Lacking self-esteem and proper education, Magin found her way to college and took advantage of several different avenues to find her place in life.

Cliff Kama, Sr.


Jr. Leader Director

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Cliff Kama, Sr. came on board in 2009 and truly made the difference in the structure and educational process of this camp. 

Being an educator for special needs and at risk youth, his experience has transformed this camp to an award -winning program for these little guys. Creating the Jr. Leader Program in 2015 as pilot quickly showed the potential the middle school aged children would gain.

Coaching little league and taking his team to championships year after year has also provided him with the skills to keep these children focused on their future, as well as, encouraging them to participate in sports.

As a professional musician he brings this talent to the camp. His outgoing personality and love for the children builds their self-esteem far beyond measure.

Being a native Hawaiian and raised with traditions also provides an insight to our campers


Kassy Manuele 

Behavioral Specialist       Art Director

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Kassy graduated from the University of Hawaii Hilo with a Master's in Counseling Psychology for Clinical Mental Health with focus on child development and strong emphasis on cultural minority populations living in poverty. She has dedicated many years to working with children and families living in homelessness and poverty in Hawaii. Being raised with Project Hawaii from birth, as a teen she started designing and implementing camp programs and activities to promote social development, daily living skills, fine motor skills, socio-emotional difficulties, cognitive and educational delays, behavioral issues, and recreational and community advancement. She also incorporated positive psychology group through art therapy programs and workshop to address positive emotions, positive individual traits, and positive institutions. Working with all ages from 3-teens throughout the program has lead to the overall success of so many children.

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