Your Help is Needed to Change the Lives of these Precious Homeless Children
Please, join our journey to help educate these precious keiki and help them escape their cycle of poverty. #Give what you can. Project Hawai'i, Inc. is run 100% by volunteers and solely supported by public donation.
100% Tax Deductible/ 100% benefits our keiki
For more donation options please visit the program you are interested in helping with. Big Island Edu-Camp or Adventure's Abound, Etc.
Donate to Project Hawaii, Inc.Helping Homeless Keiki Project Hawaii Summer Camp Teen Mentors
#educationsupplies #backtoschool #schooltools #homelesskeikibacktoschool #schoolsupplydrive #homelesscrisis #donatehawaii #homelessinhawaii #psiseminars #giversgain #winwin #donatetoday
Total Budget $142,093.00
Big Island ~
Edu-Camp is hosted on the Big Island of Hawai'i. This is a two week program that is open free of charge to 96 homeless children ages 3-7, jr. leaders 10-12 and teen mentors. We provide all their supplies, from sleeping bags, hygiene, new p.j's, even underpants, to all their healthy meals, hygiene support and transportation.
PLUS, the immersible life changing programs and life skill building.
YOUR donation keeps this award winning program operating. Sponsor a Child today.
Full Sponsorship
For more sponsorship opportunities and full list of individual costs, click here
Total Budget $67,880.00
O'ahu ~
Adventures Abound
Adventures Abound Day Camp on O'ahu is a two week program that introduces 48 homeless children to the wonders around them. Teaching social and life skills that will help them succeed in school. Your donation provides them with their healthy meals, transportation to all field trips, entrances to various sites, and all clothing and support needed.
This life changing program takes them to places outside of their financial reach as well as introduces them to the world beyond their tent life (which usually won't expand a 5 mile radius)
Full Sponsorship
For More sponsorship opportunities and full list of individual costs, click here
Total Budget $97,100.00
Maui Jr. Leaders
This is our first year on Maui. We will host a 10 day Jr. Leader Program for middle school aged boys!
Jr. Leaders will attend leadership and life building workshops, explore the islands wonders and learn Hawaiian cultural lifestyles. Our jr. leaders will also participate in service learning projects to instill the joy or giving back and becoming life long stewards.
Our program will provide life and social skills as they work together as a team.
Your Donation helps our leaders succeed and gain the self esteem they need to make it through the hardest years of their life! Middle School!!!
Full Sponsorship
For more sponsorship opportunities and full list of individual costs, click here
Teen Mentorship
Total Budget: $96,100.00
Our Award Winning Teen Mentoring Program provide the teens with so many like tools they need to succeed. The teens will spend "teen week" prior to working hands on with the jr. leaders and campers participating in 9 hours of leadership and self building workshops. They will participate in team building and social skills to help them find their own inner strength and passion.
Teens also attend cultural workshops, learn from our kupuna and learn to plant native plants and care for the 'aina.
Teens will also earn 200 hours of community service and earn their Presidents Award along with leadership certificates they can use for educational purposes. Teens then join the younger children where they practice their new-found skills and then move to graduation.
This entire program is 16 days long.
Your Sponsorship Changes LIVES!!
Full Sponsorship
For More sponsorship opportunities and full list of individual costs, Click Here
Jr. Leadership
Total Budget: $74,400.00
Our Jr. Leader program started a pilot program. With the continued success, we are launching on all islands soon!
Jr. Leaders spend an entire week in workshops learning to be leaders of themselves, how to deal with emotional issues they face, and build the self confidence they need to succeed in the hardest years of their lives. We give them the skills to succeed.
Jr. Leaders will work with the younger campers and have mentorship from the teens.
Jr. leaders, like all our campers are provided with all their needs and will attend their own island adventures as a group.
Jr. Leaders earn 3 certificates, the President Award and gain the social skills they need to build life long friendships.
This is the most important time of their life for them to know their self worth!
Your support makes the difference and helps us to expand our service state wide!!
Full Sponsorship
For More sponsorship opportunities and full list of individual costs, Click Here
Back 2 School
Total Budget: $67,800
Project Hawai’i, Inc. will provide 480 homeless children on Big Island, 363homeless children on O'ahu and 137 on Mau'i. All participants will receive a New backpacks filled with supplies. A new outfit for their first day back to school. Even a new School Uniform T-shirt. New athletic shoes and P.E. outfit. Plus will go back to school with healthy snacks and personal hygiene care kit.
We provide the children with a graduation ceremony and present each child/teen with their awards, supplies, etc.
The entire Family attends the luncheon and receives family hygiene and food bags.
Full Sponsorship
$127.00 Child/ 171. Teen
For More sponsorship opportunities and full list of individual costs, Click Here: