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Meal Planning = 100% organic Non GMO goals!
Thank you for taking the time to help us create a nutritious summer for our homeless children. Statistics show that if a body has at least 70% organic foods they can detox in just a few days. This stimulates healthier brain development... right when they need it most!
We will be making a Costco run a few days before the camp for those who would like to contribute to that fund. Hosting a fundraiser is a perfect opportunity for your group to be involved and feel the love of providing healthy choices to our keiki.
Want to host a meal drive for our camp? We will be happy to provide you with the items needed for our daily menu needs. You can choose a full day, or just a meal.
Again we are striving to be 100% organic. We know this is more expensive, but it is worth the expense in the end. One reason we shop Costco for the huge discounts.
To keep our camp organized and eliminate waste, we will have a menu with size/count per items needed.
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